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#444835 by AlanJones Tue Nov 12, 2024 12:54 am
From: STGSM -
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Subject: Divine message
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Spirit and Truth Global Spiritual Ministry (STGSM)
AKA True Religion. JOHN 4: 20-24 SURAH 3:84 QUR’AN 3: 49-51

Peace Profound
Divine message through our Spiritual Leader OCletusI.
(President and Founder:{STGSM} )

Many years ago we were alerted by the Spirit of God that
unpresidented will start to happen shortly and most of us were
equipped invincibly with the Armor of GOD for this war that's
about to come (Ephesians 6: 10-18).

A fateful day, at 3am morning, I got a revelation that I was
standing in 7 storey building and there was a huge storm/earthquake,
all other buildings were sinking, failing & shaking but mine was
very solid & firm.

As I woke up in the morning I looked through the window to my East.
I saw a heavenly being on a cloud seating on horse going from North
to South Cardinal point, as soon as it disappeared there was a
heavy rainfall that lasted for three days.

After these my Spirit led me to Deuteronomy 33:26-29.
I pray that our Great Unseen grant you Divine wisdom to understand
this and act wisely in His Mighty Name, Amen!"

That was the revelation from our Spiritual Leader OcletusI.
As our Lord and Saviour said in John 4:19-24,its high time to
serve the Great Unseen in Spirit and Truth,
this will open your spiritual eyes to know that killing,
stealing and destruction is not of Great Unseen.

Quran 5:28 If you stretch your hand towards me to kill me,
I am not going to stretch my hand towards you to kill you.
Indeed, I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 1 John 3:11-12
11 For this is the message you heard from the beginning:
We should love one another.12 Do not be like Cain, who belonged
to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him?
Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.

Torah Exodus 20:13 "You shall not murder. Deuteronomy 5:17.

Serendipity is real (Luke 5: 2-7. Matthew 17: 24-27)
Don't give me fish. Teach me how to catch fish. Subconsciously,
We're of Light, Our source is limitless abundance.

It doesn’t matter your religious faith explicitly.
It doesn’t matter your professional attainment.

What matters is that from NOW you’ll be transformed

For you to be in equilibrium/ invincible to protect yourself,
your entire family, your Church, your Mosque and loved ones from
these spiritual wars that we're in now! (STGSM) is the answer.

PHONE: +234701 103 8548
Facebook: True Religion
LinkedIn: OcletusI nvoked Spirit
X Twitter: at SpiritAndTruth17

Many are CALLED but FEW are CHOSEN! (Matthew 22:14)

The PRO.

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