Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
#444041 by Wiljames Sat May 25, 2024 6:35 pm
from: Miss Anita Lubanzi custsvc@digi.com.my
reply-to: anitalubanzi5@gmail.com
subject: Re,Good day

Good day,

I am Anita Lubanzi, a computer scientist from South Africa, currently employed by a financial institution. I am 30 years old. Recently, I came across your file, which contains details of your unpaid funds. Upon studying it, I discovered that you have already paid all the necessary fees and obtained the required certificates, yet your fund has not been released to you. The most frustrating aspect is that they refuse to be honest with you; they have no intention of releasing the funds and instead employ various illegal tactics to demand additional charges, hoping that you will give up on your funds. Their ultimate goal is to divert the money into their personal accounts.

I have no desire to remain here working for the rest of my life. If you can assure me of my security and compensate me after receiving your funds, I am willing to release this fund to you. To proceed with the release, I will require a special HARD DISK, known as HD980 GIG. This disk will allow me to recopy your information from the corrupted one, destroy the previous version, and update the necessary banking details within 24 banking hours. Once the transaction is complete, you can confirm the receipt of your funds.

Please get in touch with me immediately and provide your convenient telephone/fax numbers for easy communication. Additionally, kindly reconfirm your banking details to ensure accuracy and avoid any mistakes.


Miss Anita Lubanzi

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