Company Representative scams, Payment Processing scams and other Employment scams.
#444181 by Wiljames Sat Jul 06, 2024 12:41 am
from: Project 2024
subject: project for you (Respond Immediately)

Tesla Motors, Inc.
1 Tesla Road Austin, TX 78725 USA

Tesla New Year offer

Following our 2024 yearly budget, we have mutually with our Shareholders designate the sum of USD200, 000 000 Purported for Tesla Supercharger installation program. We are appointing you as our project executor/Contractor to partner and manage our site at your location. This offer is professionally verified. Due to the recent Electric Vehicle (EV) competitions across the world, we are doing all we can to promote our company and to ensure all users of Tesla EV have access to charge stations at least 50 KM apart from each location. If you're traveling 20 km per hour, then it will take you 2.5 hours to cover 50 km. Please notify us with your details. My Skype ID is as follows, you can add me on Skype so we can have a Skype video conversation and to make a headway. Wishing you a wonderful day.

Official Skype ID: cid.e40c7b0a277be3e3

Reply with your full details and also add us on Skype to host a video conversation.

Dr. Elon Musk
Head of operation/CEO
Tesla Motors, Inc Tx United States

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