Here is an example of an email, goes by the name Kristin Bragin, EOShop Support. Another one,, goes by the name Donnette Gilham. Look for subject heading, "Job offer notice for (Your Name)." seems to a real online shop all in Czech language. Beware, unless the email address is from Eoshop's internal email server -, it's not a real address. It's every bit a scam if it's coming from any address other than Eoshop. These scammers start off by offering $5 for 1KB of text that you edit for English/American speaking customers. You'll edit web content, letters, emails to their customers, representatives, sales lots, auctions... then after you've edited (passed their scam test), they'll offer you $5,000-$7,000 in sales and 5% commission for using your PayPal account to collect money from customers. Customers could be legit, but these scammers are not. Then you're supposed to transfer the money out of PayPal into your bank account, take the money out of your bank account and send the cash via UPS to somewhere in Russian, or the Czech Republic. Here is another email address: I have reported them to PayPal and forwarded all the correspondence to the FBI. Do yourself a favor, research everything and don't fall for these scams. There's millions of scams, like cockroaches, hatching every second.
See some of their "terms":
You do not have to search for a product or search for a buyer. This is done by special staff.
You need to be in touch with us and manage paypal payments.
1. First, you will receive a payment to your PAYPAL. Then you transfer the payment into your Bank account. When will all of the checks you send cash to our agent in your country. This is a convenient and safe way since you don't have to do international transfers.
2. You don't have to be in constant touch by phone. You will not to call your customers. When you receive the payment, our specialist will contact you and give you instructions. This is very important because it is necessary to do everything quickly.
3. According to our laws we cannot take money from our customers. We only provide services.
4. 1. We pay taxes for each of you ourself (sic) once a year, but once a year we give you 1099 form to fill out so we will be able to pay your taxes. But you get your salary in full.
All legal. We have been working for a long time and our main task is to resist the fraudsters.
We will never ask for your Bank details. We will not ask you to do international transfers.
We do our business safe and give you the opportunity to earn together with us.
Lawyers of our company together with UPS representatives composed an explanatory letter about Sending, transporting, and delivering cash. The document turned out to be very large. It is written Using complex legal terms and includes many items. Many of these items do not concern our work. If you briefly state the information - it sounds like this:
UPS does not prohibit the receipt and dispatch of cash and any valuables in the following cases:
- the parcel is not sent outside the US
- the package is well and high-quality packed (the contents are hidden from the eyes and not palpable)
- the documents do not indicate that this is cash (UPS recommends indicating the marks, documents, collectible cards)
- when sending a parcel, a paid delivery option is selected.
All these measures are necessary to ensure that nothing happens with the delivery in the delivery process.
Follow our instructions exactly. In this case, our work will not pose difficulties.
This letter provides you with the details and our rules that will apply to your new position.
Read it carefully as there are several rules that must be adhere to:
1. Redirect all e-mail traffic that you receive from our clients directly to us. *Do not under any circumstances reply to the messages or inquire for more information. Your relationship will be solely as the transaction processor, all administrative issues or otherwise will be handled by us. Any disregard of this rule will make our clients nervous and may cause them to stop any pending transactions. The average questions are usually about the pending sales or future sales, again this is our department, please keep in mind that one of your job requirement is to transfer any/all these inquiries directly to us.
2. Please make an attempt to check your e-mail account twice daily, preferably in the morning and in the evening. This is a very important position and it should show that you are available to us at least during the business day.
3. This is not optional. Please reply to all our email messages that we will send to you. Most of our transactions will depend on an answer back from you and we may have to stop a transaction if we cannot get in contact with you to verify your availability or clarify any errors.
4. Most Important Rule: Please have your phone with you during the business day. (preferably without a voicemail answering system).
5. Your position will be activated following a call from our company verifying your identity, the accuracy and operational function of the number that you have provided.
6. Your 1st payment will be 3-5 business days after we have activated your account. It takes our company approximately that amount of time to make a sale.
7. If you encounter any issues of any kind while working with us, Do Not keep it to Yourself, please inform us immediately of the issue and we will do everything within our powers to fix it.
8. If anything goes wrong during the process of a transaction, please report it immediately. Do not ever think that you will be blame, remember nothing is your fault by letting us know what went wrong; you will help our company do its job better and improve our systems and quality for our customers.
9. Please follow each daily instruction to the letter and without delay. Any delay on your part is a bad reflection on our company and slows down our processes. These have an effect on production which means poor profit for our company and for you.
10. If you are planning any trips that will prevent you from fulfilling your duties, please inform us 2 weeks in advance.
11. We count on you having both a responsible and respectful attitude towards this job and our team.
12. Please respond with any questions that you may have regarding our rules and this job. Also state any concerns or issues that you may have which might conflict or prevent you from doing this job. If you think that you will be unable to fulfill the required duties of this job please let us know. A declination will not affect your future with us in anyway, it is better to tell us now then to fail at the job later.
Please confirm your understanding and acceptance of the job by answering with "I confirm" as a reply to this e-mail. This answer means that you assume full responsibility and are prepared to execute the rules (listed above) in working with us.